Friday, December 16, 2011

The Story Continues...and gets even better

I've recently returned from my 4th visit to Nepal. I'm very happy to report that, with your help, we've made a substantial impact on a remote village 3 days from Kathmandu. We can't change the entire world all at once, but we are able, in small concerted efforts, to nibble away where possible. I would never have guessed that my first volunteer work seven years ago would have blossomed to the degree that it has.

My first visit there was in 2004, and since then there has been slow and steady progress. The most recent wonderful development is the addition of two new classrooms added to a new second level of the school. Electricity is now wired to the school, and to my great surprise, they have a computer lab! Seven years ago there were 46 students in 5 classes. That number has now grown to 88 students in 7 classes, plus the computer lab. Together we are paying to have two additional teachers to assist in the teaching of English. For the first time visiting with the children in the village, I was able to speak with some of them in English. That was a pretty heartwarming moment for me.

And now the best part of it all -- a local business man, Chudamani Gautam, is stepping up to help. He heard that an American was gathering funds for the 8 boarding school kids, and he felt obligated and moved to do his part. He was the one responsible for the additional two classrooms and the computer lab.

Importantly, all of this has happened due to the generous nature of my friends and family. Together we started the educational ball rolling down the mountains and hills of Nepal. That ball is now slowly but steadily gaining speed and is becoming self-sufficient. My commitment is still to see these 8 kids through their boarding school years. That will be through class 10. Several will soon be graduating and I was petitioned while visiting the village to help with college funding, but I didn't feel that would be a wise move. As it stands, it will be 6 more years until all the kids are through to class 10. That seems to me to be the right focus for now.

I'm hoping that you all will still offer your financial help for this village. A small amount of money to us here is still such a large, meaningful amount to them.

This year I am making a small tea table that I will raffle in mid January. Tickets will be $50 each and 3 for $100, 4 for $150, etc. My goal for this effort is $5000. I will soon be posting a new blogpost with more details on the raffle, the table and how it came to be. As we get closer to Christmas and you are checking off your list of gifts to purchase, please know how important your help has been in the past and would continue to be greatly appreciated now.

If you'd like to contact me via email:
Checks can be made out to:

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
David Heinz/Nepal in the memo line

Sent to:

316 Parker Hill Road
Springfield, Vt

Blessings and Peace to all this holiday season.

2004 Sima village school 

2004 Sima village school rebuilding

2011 Sima school w/2 new classrooms
2011 Sima school from above
New computer lab Sima village school 2011

Boarding school for 8 kids, Baglung
New Everest Academy Boarding School

David with the boarding school kids


Santosh~Shankar~Ram~Prakash~Raj Kumar
Boys sleeping quarters